We would like to invite you to join our exciting world of executive development and training through our flagship MBA programme. Our programme offers some of the best value that is out there right now plus the ambiance of a countryside business school campus not more than just an hour’s drive away from major metropolitan areas.
In conclusion, labelled as a "most stirring speech delivered by a graduating MBA" an international graduate remarked: “after all the miles and the memories of the last two years, now I see the biggest sign of hope: You, my friends, my fellow graduates, not because of what we have done, but because I know we have more work to do. In your hands as well as mine lies the hope for a new generation of business leaders in which each of us becomes a pioneer, in which each of us commits our time and talent not just to the treasures of today, but to the frontier of tomorrow where new dreams and new hopes and new possibilities are waiting.
“As we leave this place for the last time, we take up the work of not just making a living but of making a life. For if all we have learned here are Four Ps, and Five Forces and Six Sigma, we will prove William Faulkner right, that we labour under a curse, that we live not for love but for lust, for defeats in which nobody loses anything of value, for victories without hope, and worst of all without pity or compassion, that our griefs grieve on no universal bones, leaving no scars, that we live not from the heart but from the glands.”