Milpark Business School
+ (27) 86 999 0001
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Admission Requirements

Milpark MBA

Entry Route 1

Admission to the qualification is subject to academic selection criteria. The applicant must:
  • have an accredited postgraduate diploma, honours degree, a four-year Bachelor’s degree (that exits at Level 8) or equivalent.
  • be at least 25 years old.
  • achieve an acceptable rating in the admission assessment. 
  • have a minimum of three to four years’ relevant work experience. 
  • be proficient in English. (Proof of proficiency may be required for international students.)
  • be computer and internet-literate.
  • submit a one-page essay motivating their admission onto the MBA.
  • submit a CV using the Milpark Business School template (the template is available on the online admission application).
  • present themselves for an interview with the Programme Manager.
Entry Route 2

In exceptionally limited cases, admission to the qualification may also take place via Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

*Kindly contact the relevant Programme Manager BEFORE applying online for admission on RPL grounds to determine availability, as RPL admissions are limited to 10% of the total intake and it is therefore continuously oversubscribed.

In addition to fulfilling the Entry Route 1 selection criteria, RPL applicants must meet the following criteria:
  • be 40 years old or older.
  • have 15–20 years’ relevant work experience.
  • be in a Senior Management or Executive position.
Note: only once all Entry Route 1 places have been finalised, can any RPL candidates be admitted onto the qualification.

International Students

International applicants whose first language is not English are required to provide proof of proficiency in English prior to admission to the qualification. 

Any applicant who has a certificate other than a South African National Senior Certificate or a South African undergraduate degree must provide a SAQA Certificate of Equivalence, if they want to enrol for a postgraduate qualification (